Embodied Movement Journey: Exploring The Soft and Strong

Embodied Movement Journey: Exploring The Soft and Strong.

In this mindful movement practice, continue exploring this idea of the "adaptable" posture through dance. By dancing with the polarities of softness and strength, you may eventually land in that middle space of balance and alignment, and where your truth and intuition reside.

Embodied Movement Journey Reflection

Take some time to journal what came up for you in this dance by following the prompts below:

What did you notice about yourself through observing your habitual posture and movement patterns? 

Does your nervous system enjoy moving like water (the river) or more like earth (the valley)? How can you tell and why do you think that may be the case? 

What does your aligned (sweet spot) posture feel like physically, emotionally, or mentally? 

What, if anything, did your gut have to express?

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